Friday, July 25, 2008

Much tougher than I thought...

Well, to prepare my kids to get their licenses Matthew found an online practice test.

I found this out as we were driving to church one evening and he announced there was going to be in impromptu "pop quiz". Years of high school (no matter how long ago that was) have conditioned me to dread whatever comes next.
No worries though, this one was about driving. In the words of George Lopez, "I got this!"

Here we go...

If you're sitting in the middle lane (we were at a light) getting ready to make a left hand turn - which way should your tires be facing?
A. Straight ahead
B. The direction you are turning
C. Slightly in the opposite direction of your turn

The answer is clear to me... but maybe it's a trick question. Despite my wavering, I opted to go with B. Which, would be wrong. It's A - and if you got that right, here's a raspberry for ya - thbthbthbthb.

Of course, I am a hard sell and sure that the answer is B. So here I am ready to have a little "come to Jesus" moment with my husband. It has to be B, so that you can be ready for your turn, right?
I mean, clearly I would know. I've never had a traffic ticket of any kind and he, well he has.

While Matthew shared with the guys the reason for the answer, I was trying to figure out how I would tell him he was wrong and why!
This was when he shared with everyone that he found the online test and then he leaned closer to me and whispered that he failed it the first time he took it. Tooooo funny!

Alright, I took the defeat (for the moment) and decided I would go take this test myself. I may not have been a Chemistry genius in school, but "I got this!"

So today I took the test... I failed too! I think... I got a 76%. I'm guessing they don't want anyone with less than at least an 80% driving, though I could be wrong.
Part of the problem is that I over thought some of the questions. Sadly though, reality tells me that if I knew it, I wouldn't have had to think much at all.

Just in case you'd like to try here's the link -> Online Practice Test
Before you out of state bloggers give the excuse that this is a Colorado test, I want you to know that I learned to drive in Ohio and it can't be that much different than the one I took years ago. They're all the same laws that we've had to follow when we lived in several other states besides CO. No weird blizzard laws or mountain terrain. So if you were hoping to use that excuse, just know I already thought about it and it won't work. C'mon, it shouldn't be that hard. I gave you one of the answers.

Good luck!


Saturday, July 19, 2008

You know you are loved...

when people will pay to have this done to you.

Just in case you couldn't tell, that was Matthew... Very fun!

This is our senior pastor. His video came out the best.

There were a few other people who were dunked, but I didn't think to use video in time - so I just took pictures. Those pics didn't come out well at all. I'll have to wait for next year...


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Do not be deceived...

That's right! Do not be deceived by the deep sea lookin' jellyfish thingy.
It may also look like something out of the Matrix, or possibly something not of this world... unfortunately, it is.

This my dear friends is salmonella at it's best. Don't be distracted by the pretty colors. Run, I say, RUN! Do not come within a 100 foot radius and/or above all... whatever you do... don't... eat... the peppers!

As I shared in the last post Matthew had picked up a nasty bug (or so we thought).
It turns out that this little bug was, yes, salmonella.
Last week they added peppers to the list with tomatoes - which he ate on Sunday.
The man lost 11 pounds in that short amount of time and as tempting as it is to consider the possibility of the weight loss, I think I'll pass on his program.

I want to be able to share, literally, the miracle it is that he is better, but I would have to put some personal information up about him. Nothing weird, just bodily functions. Things moms talk about all the time, but guys just don't appreciate it being discussed. So, I'll try to give the summary without the details.

Matthew was put in observation on Friday, it seems his intestines were shutting down.
I called one of the guys at church to let them know what was going on, and he started the prayers. It just happened that beginning at noon that day they had just started 24 hours of prayer at the church (done quarterly I think). They started praying for Matthew and even called me to pray on the speaker phone. Right after that, Matthew was better... literally. Neither the doctor or I can explain to you why he was better for any reason other than God.
It was very cool and an excellent reminder for us that He is with us always and really does have things under control.


Wednesday, July 09, 2008

I heart Azo...

Azo is my favorite product in the world... at least for this moment in time.

For some reason my body didn't think that carpal tunnel was enough, so it added a bit of UTI/Kidney Infection - aren't I a lucky girl?

Over the last few days, Matthew has lost five pounds! No, it's not the latest grapefruit diet, he's picked up a little somethin' special that won't let him get more than ten feet from a bathroom.

I really do plan to put updates on here, it's just been really difficult lately. Along with the new health issues we have we're still fighting with our internet company (every time our phone rings, the internet goes out). Matthew tried to get them to fix some router thing (sorry for you techno people out there, you'll have to get the real verbiage from him). They said they won't fix it and when we threatened we would switch to the cable company, they were so concerned, they said... "Ok".

Needless to say, we're keeping our satellite, but dumping the internet for cable.


Wednesday, July 02, 2008

New Fashion Statement?

To me, it looks like my hands have been laced up to do some boxing. Well, at least that thought makes me feel tougher...

Some of you may remember that I had a short fight with carpal tunnel a few years back. I just had to wear the braces and rest my wrists for a few weeks. Well... it's back.

About two weeks or so before the move my hands started getting that tingly/numb feeling (at night it was especially painful). Fortunately, I found these lovely accessories and it has helped with the nights.
I probably need to wear them nonstop for about two weeks again, but I really don't want to do that right now (can you hear the violins in the background - waah, waah, waah).

Anywho, that's one of the main reasons I have not been posting. I have some great pictures from our trip to Estes Park that I hope to post soon, but right now - even as I type - my right hand is almost completely numb (and yes, I'm wearing my braces).

So for now, things will be a little slow moving and I haven't been good at answering emails so much right now. Please forgive the turtle like responses and posts. It just feels... weird - like my hands are either asleep, or really, really cold - and it helps when I'm not on the computer as much.
