Sunday, July 13, 2008

Do not be deceived...

That's right! Do not be deceived by the deep sea lookin' jellyfish thingy.
It may also look like something out of the Matrix, or possibly something not of this world... unfortunately, it is.

This my dear friends is salmonella at it's best. Don't be distracted by the pretty colors. Run, I say, RUN! Do not come within a 100 foot radius and/or above all... whatever you do... don't... eat... the peppers!

As I shared in the last post Matthew had picked up a nasty bug (or so we thought).
It turns out that this little bug was, yes, salmonella.
Last week they added peppers to the list with tomatoes - which he ate on Sunday.
The man lost 11 pounds in that short amount of time and as tempting as it is to consider the possibility of the weight loss, I think I'll pass on his program.

I want to be able to share, literally, the miracle it is that he is better, but I would have to put some personal information up about him. Nothing weird, just bodily functions. Things moms talk about all the time, but guys just don't appreciate it being discussed. So, I'll try to give the summary without the details.

Matthew was put in observation on Friday, it seems his intestines were shutting down.
I called one of the guys at church to let them know what was going on, and he started the prayers. It just happened that beginning at noon that day they had just started 24 hours of prayer at the church (done quarterly I think). They started praying for Matthew and even called me to pray on the speaker phone. Right after that, Matthew was better... literally. Neither the doctor or I can explain to you why he was better for any reason other than God.
It was very cool and an excellent reminder for us that He is with us always and really does have things under control.



To him said...

I LOVE that story. Tell Matthew we are sorry he got so ill but THANKFUL you are apart of a strong praying church! I have to come visit this church!!!!

What an amesome testimony to our Father's goodness!

Rich said...

Oh, man! I feel so bad for Matthew! I'm grateful for the incredibly inspirational story, but I'm still gonna put some prayers in overdrive for him!

Tim Waters said...

yuck Tammy. Thats awful. I am glad your boy is feeling better.

Desi Brown said...

sorry you guys have been so sick. So glad matthew is doing better!
A couple weeks into our Dallas adventure I ended up in the hospital with a nasty bug. Nothing as scary as Matt but it's a bummer to start off a new adventure that way. So awesome to see the Big Guy take care of His Family in miraculous ways!!

RCummins said...

We have such an amazing, loving God. And how encouraging to have such a powerful display of the power of God and the power of prayer. Thank you for the reminder! (but sorry you had to go through this, Matthew!)