Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Some of the Most Beautiful People I've Ever Met...

The new date for Africa is sometime in July - because of the swine flu.

Now, I have to admit, I am so glad that we didn't leave yesterday. If we had, I would not have had the privilege of meeting two amazing couples from Rwanda. Africa is moving to a more fluent English language so they are here for two months to submerse themselves conversationally. We are the first stop in this trip and so the language is still a struggle.

I was a little nervous at first. They understand more than they can speak. One of the wives is pretty fluent and able to translate some of what we said. But, honestly... the uneasiness melted away as I began to talk to these beautiful people. There was a kinship with them. Something that can't be reproduced, faked, or imagined. They are as genuine as you can get and I can honestly say it was/is a pleasure and honor to spend the day with them. I can't even begin to explain what this has done for my excitement level for the trip.

I should also tell you that they also met Elmer and really enjoyed it. They even took turns making him talk - so much fun!
They even experienced a Blacklight Storytime! They were so sweet and blessed us with an amazing prayer afterward. I was so touched... I just wept.

I'm so thankful that I will learn as much if not more from these beautiful people than they could ever learn from me.

Right now I'm thanking God for showing me not only how big He is, but how far and wide His love travels. We truly are one family, one love and in one Kingdom.
