Saturday, June 21, 2008

A Beautiful Oxymoron...

I love this picture. "Colorful" Colorado, but the only color you can find in the picture would be in the road signs. Tooooo funny!

On the other hand, look at those beautiful mountains on the left! I can see those from our bedroom windows - or at least some that look like those.

Well... we have made it. It was an awesome trip! No really, it was. I know all of you Texans wonder how we can say that considering we drove without air conditioning in our car, add to that three teens and two dogs - but it's true.

The only casualty we have had so far is Matthew. He woke up this morning with altitude sickness. So he's aptly loaded with Tylenol and fluids (and sleeping like a baby).

I hope to be able to put some pictures up later today or at least by Monday. My network card is messed up and my pc is running at 56k modem strength - remember when we all thought that was fast? (I guess I should use the term "all" loosely, remembering that I'm almost 40 and many of you are... well not.)

I also need to find either my plug for the camera or my printer to get the images on here. Woo Hoo! A Treasure Hunt!
There were some fun/crazy/wonderful things that happened on our trip that I want to be able to share.


1 comment:

To him said...

It's sooooo good to hear from you! Bailey said she talked to Matthew last night on while we were at church. Please tell him I hope he feels better.

How was church on Sunday? We miss you already!!!!!
