Wednesday, July 02, 2008

New Fashion Statement?

To me, it looks like my hands have been laced up to do some boxing. Well, at least that thought makes me feel tougher...

Some of you may remember that I had a short fight with carpal tunnel a few years back. I just had to wear the braces and rest my wrists for a few weeks. Well... it's back.

About two weeks or so before the move my hands started getting that tingly/numb feeling (at night it was especially painful). Fortunately, I found these lovely accessories and it has helped with the nights.
I probably need to wear them nonstop for about two weeks again, but I really don't want to do that right now (can you hear the violins in the background - waah, waah, waah).

Anywho, that's one of the main reasons I have not been posting. I have some great pictures from our trip to Estes Park that I hope to post soon, but right now - even as I type - my right hand is almost completely numb (and yes, I'm wearing my braces).

So for now, things will be a little slow moving and I haven't been good at answering emails so much right now. Please forgive the turtle like responses and posts. It just feels... weird - like my hands are either asleep, or really, really cold - and it helps when I'm not on the computer as much.



Tim Waters said...

I am sorry you are hurting Tammy. How are you feeling now?

RCummins said...

I'll bet this was brought on by the cleaning you performed in your old house!!! That was very wrist / arm intensive. So sorry. Not the way you want to start your new job, I'm sure.

To him said...

LOVE hearing from you! I hope you are well and safe there.

Love you,