Monday, October 01, 2007

Break It Out

Have you ever wondered why socks come in a bag with a "ziploc" type top to them?
Do people actually buy a whole bag just to take one out and put the rest away for later? I mean, if they do, that's fine... wierd, but fine. If that were your need though, do they really need a zipper top? Will they go bad? Nothing worse than when brand new socks get stale, eh?
If that's not what the zippers for then... Do people reuse the bags for chips after they've taken the socks out? I know the socks have never been used, but still - ew.
Can you imagine being at school and pulling out a bag of chips that have Hanes written on the outside? Talk about being bullied, you know that would be in the yearbook when you graduate in ten years. People don't forget stuff like that.

1 comment:

RCummins said...

Too hysetical! Ever do writing for Seinfeld? I appreciate the cost saving measure...perhaps I'll mention this tip at the next G$ workshop. ;)