Friday, October 12, 2007

Doctor, Doctor...

hack, hack, cough, cough ---- bronchitis anyone?

Did you know that Bronchitis can last over two weeks? huh... neither did I.
So that means if you share it with someone in the family, that makes about a month of hacking till you turn blue and sleepless nights for all in the house...
Let's see... how about a broken wrist? Yes, let's take a dash of that too.
Would you like anything else with your order? Oh yes, how about a UTI to go.
Lovely, will that be all?
Yes.. No, wait... I almost forgot. Could you please remove my voice just enough so I can't talk on the phone? Hold the easy breathing, and go heavy on the inhaler.
No voice? Uh oh, sounds like the return of "the look" and an intense game of charades for the teens.

So how's October going for you?


RCummins said...

I have nothing encouraging to say. Your situation stinks. But maybe I can make you laugh?! I didn't know "the look" ever went away?!?! May I let T.J. know when I may outgrow that? He'll be thrilled to learn it isn't a lifetime-long plague. I'm a master at "the look" and nothing pushes his button more. Perhaps my call to be more like the woman of I Pe 3:3-4 will ease it from "the look" to 'the momentary glance that is quickly changed to a sympathetic smile'. LOL.

Tammy said...

I guess there are two looks. One for the kids and one for the husband. There is enough subtelty to make a difference, yet all in all still has the same meaning.

After twenty years I can say that the look has evolved, that or it's just no longer needed. After that amount of time, they just know and understand before any words or looks transpire. :D