Saturday, December 08, 2007

A Purply Sort of Day...

Well... we did it.
My son now has bright purple hair.
This is more of a follow up to Somewhere Over the Rainbow

It was actually a lot of fun, though I still only imagined coloring hair with my daughter one day, this will have to do.

To begin, he bleached it first, which was actually more startling than the purple. I'm not kidding - you needed sunglasses to look at him!

Then the color went on today.
Unfortunately, the internet is down on my computer so I can't get a real picture for you. So with the aid of Google, I searched high and low to come up with something that would be close.

Here he is (minus the girly dress and green nose).

Honestly, I can't wait to see if he glows in the blacklight tomorrow at church. :D

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