Have you ever been sick of hearing your own voice?
I am. As moms we need to give our kids reminders quite often (and when you're ADD, that brings the ratio up to about 10:1).
I realized yesterday, that I am really good at something, though I'm pretty sure it's not a spiritual gift... nagging.
Ah yes, here it is. Proverbs 21:9
Better to live
on the corner of a roof,
share a [whole] house with a quarrlesome wife.
Proverbs 21:19
Better to live in a desert than with a quarrlesome and fretful woman.
Though I may see these constant reminders as an act of service, I'm clearly driving my family to the desert.
See, here's the deal. When I walk by something that hasn't been done and I've asked nicely that it be done (several times) and it's still not done the next day... I'm now seriously irritated. So not only am I now giving the "How many times do I have to say..." speech, but they also earn the bonus track, "If you would just do things the first time I say it, I wouldn't have to keep saying it."
I remember my mother recounting a time of this same type of thing with my brother.
She opened the closet door and found something she had told him to put away days ago.
She yelled out to him, "That's it! This is the last time I'm going to tell you to do this!"
To which my brother replied, "Oh good, I didn't think you'd ever stop."
OK, not so funny when you type it out, but it actually was funny. It was a reality check. Clearly something's not working.
As moms we go through stages, actually... I think as people in general we do. I've always heard that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. (I actually looked it up on dictionary.com and that's not it, but I get the irony, so work with me here.)
I have been beating my head against a wall and wondering why I have bruises.
Why do we do this? For others, it may not be with their kids, it could be anything.
I guess people have just done this... well, since the beginning of time. You'd think we'd recognize it and learn a little quicker.
I think when this happens, I'm most frustrated with myself. It's as if I'm not sure what to do to change things, so I don't do anything (so much for proactivity).
I guess today is a new day and it's time for a sit down talk. No, not with the kids and I, but rather with God and I. He's the only one who's been able to get me out of this before.
God speaks with a still and quiet voice and He's the
creator of the universe. Is it any wonder why I am not getting results rattling away?