Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I'm not above it. I am, however, embarrased to admit that I'm bribing myself right now. That's right, myself.
We've been cleaning for two days to get ready for Thanksgiving. OK, not all 48 hours, but trying to do it at a pace that won't kill us.
This and the fact that Matthew's on vacation (vacation is synonymous with Spring Cleaning around here), but I digress...
I thought going slowly would make me able to stay interested - you know, slow and steady wins the race? But I'm so not buying it.
It's like I'm the mother and a two year old all rolled into one. I just don't wanna do it, but I know I need to.

So, I've now resorted to bribing myself.
I set the timer for 15 minutes so that I can come on here and just goof off. Then I'll set the timer for 15 minutes to work. If I really want to stop working after that (as if), I'll do ten minutes to myself and still 15 for work. Then I'll go down to 5 minutes for me and 15 for the cleaning. As you can see, I've done this before. The good news is that once I begin my task (whatever it is that I'm avoiding) I don't want to stop - I just want to get done. Here's hoping!

Lovely, the timer just went off. I wonder if I should start over since I was blogging the whole time?
No, time to make the donuts...

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