Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Switching Gears...

Finishing... anything.

Now there's a true task for me. I have learned something about myself over the years... I'm not a great finisher. I love to start things, get them going, and keep them going, but closure for some reason is difficult for me -- especially when speaking of a task.

Maybe that's one reason I enjoy ministry so much. It's never finished. There's always something new and exciting that God is doing, but there are also things that need to be completed.
I've kind of concluded that this is one reason I even have trouble stopping what I'm working on, even if it's just for one day.

My most difficult day for life is Thursday. It shouldn't be.
I guess I should say it's one of my most difficult and most loved days. Why?
I get started on my day early and accomplish a lot.
I get out of the house.
I get to work on things I love.
I get to work with people I love.
I come home and work with my kids.
I get to teach them and enjoy life with them.
What's not to like, right?

I have trouble switching gears. Once I've been at the office and have my mind on all of the things I need/want to do... well, it's just hard to stop.
It's like yelling, "CHARGE!" and then someone saying... "PSYCH! I was kidding."
*Psych - now there's an old word. It was an '80's term that means "NOT!" for you youngins out there. ;)

This is something God's had to work on with me most of my life.
I guess it's a bit different from your typical ADD personality who can thrive on switching gears constantly. I can multitask well, but usually in the same subject or mode.
Example: School - I'm usually working on three subjects at once. Ministry - same thing - three or four tasks at a time, switching back and forth as if coming down a ski slope.

Back to Thursday -- as the day progresses, it gets easier. Once I'm resigned to completely change modes, then I can do it. It's my own stubbornness that makes it harder on myself than it needs to be.

So there it is.
Not particularly funny or interesting, just where I am personally.

In many ways, it comes back to patience. Ugh! Patience again? I feel like that's one of those things that never goes away. God's continuing education plan for me. Patience. I am very much a person of convenience. If it's convenient for me to work on something right now, I want to do it.

Alright, as I said at the top of this post, I have trouble finishing things and now I'm finding myself rambling and hitting the backspace button more times than I'm actually completing a sentence.

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