Honestly, I've just felt like I have... blogger's block.
Is there such a thing? I don't know, but it sounds appropriate.
I think I'm looking a little too hard for topics.
To find this elusive thing called inspiration, I decided to ask my teen boys for help. Now there's a brilliant idea.
The brief conversation went something like this:
"I need to blog something guys, what should I write about?"
Ben: "Me! You should blog about me."
Ah it's nice to see the modesty we've instilled in our children really shine in moments like this.
Me: "What exactly should I say about you?"
Ben: "I don't know, I broke my arm - you could write about that."
So, here we go...
Ben fractured his wrist and he's a bit of a drama king. (Ben, how'd I do?)
Alright, not really, I just like to tease him. Ben has the beginning stages of osteoporosis (I don't know how it's spelled, so just pretend that's right).
The funny thing is that his breaks/fractures always happen at church. I guess better there than at home. I'd end up with CPS at my door.
This time it happened when he was at a Youth Retreat.
Exactly how did it happen you may ask?
He tried to jump over a tennis net... and missed.
He just got his cast off about two weeks ago and has been wearing a brace. The really gross part... he kept the cast. OK, I totally get that your friends signed it, but yuck!
That thing is... well... yuck... he's such a boy.
There it is. Tell me, does that scream antibacterial cleaner, or what?
Alrighty then.
Broken arm subject - check.
Moving along in my conversation on what to blog about, Alex had a different answer:
Alex: "Write about Brandon and the salsa today!"
This... well... this is almost as gross as the cast.
Today the Dads Group had a breakfast at the church.
I was there getting all of the paperwork together and doing some debriefing/hanging out afterwards (just in case your wondering why I'm at a Dads event).
Long story short, they had breakfast burritos and there was a quart of salsa left.
The next thing I heard were some of the guys saying things like:
"Do it dude!"
"No way! You won't do that!" (That right there clinched the deal.)
The next thing I know, Brandon's standing in the hall drinking the salsa... the whole quart.
Yep! That's my boy. I'm so proud.
Really, he's a great young man.
He'll just have to learn this lesson the hard way... what goes in, must come out.
SWo glad to see you and the boys are doing well. The Brown's miss you guys!
By the way, remember the time your husband had a dream I was pregnant and less than anyear later I couldn't stop getting pregnant? The Brown's are baking number three!
Yeah! Baby number 3!!! How exciting!
I'm heading over to your family site to post now. :)
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