Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Ta - Da!

To understand this post, you'll need to start two posts below and read your way up.

Just in case any of you were curious about my progress - I just now finished. It's 4:50 pm.
I took advantage of my breaks, but they did keep me on track and I'm done - can you hear the roaring crowd behind me?
I didn't do breaks every 15 minutes, well sometimes I did, but it was usually a half an hour to 45 minutes.

As much as I absolutely LOVE this floor, I hate cleaning it. It has little crevices in the stone that you have to scrub add to that my obsession for avoiding any and all wet dog hair, makes this a formidable job to do.

Rosie sheds like there's no tomorrow. We love her dearly, but ugh! Living in Texas I've never seen a real tumbleweed, but balls of fur rolling across the floor are a regular sighting in Austin. :P

I don't know why, but wet dog hair totally grosses me out (unless I'm giving the dog a bath - I'm not totally odd). Whenever I mop, I have to sweep each section three to four times and get out the vacuum just to make sure. Then I block everybody from the area (they might drag some in).

Anyway, it's an event.

I guess I should say I did get more done than just the floor in the five hours. I cleaned the walls and doors.

Have you ever tried those Mr. Clean Magic Erasers?
It looks like I painted the walls! Absolutely awesome.
Alrighty, I'm starting to sound like a commercial.

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone.

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