Wednesday, February 06, 2008

A memwhat?

Well, needless to say, it's been awhile since I've posted.
No particular reason why. I guess I'm just a little overwhelmed with life and experiencing some burn out, but who isn't this time of year, right? (If you're not, please don't tell me and ruin my feelings of normalcy.)

Some of you may be familiar with a the current traveling game for bloggers called meme-ing.
From the little bit of research I did on this, it can be pronounced to rhyme with either "dream" or like the beginning of "mem"ory.

Anywho, a wonderful friend from my small group (Lisa - Put It On the List) apparently thought I needed a topic for posting since I haven't done so in... well... OK, it has been awhile. So she tagged me to do a meme.

Here's the deal, once you've been tagged there are a few things you need to do. The first is to list the rules of this blogging phenomenon (I'll put them at the bottom of the post). Other than that, I need to list six random non-important habits about myself (readers: today is your lucky day).

My Six Non-Important, Habits, and/or Quirks
I'll do them backwards like a Letterman Countdown, though they really are in no particular order, it just seems more fun that way.

6. I will only wear dry socks.
I can't stand to have wet socks on. Before you jump to the conclusion that I'm under the impression that normal people wear their socks in the shower, let me explain.
Let's say you have taken your shoes off at home and only have socks on. You walk into the kitchen and step in a drop of water by the sink.
I hate that feeling! I have to change my socks immediately, no matter how small that drop of water is. It's just... icky.

5. I like to pogo.
Since just the thought of slamming my feet up and down on a metal pole sends me screaming to the medicine cabinet for Tylenol, I'm clearly not talking about the stick.
Pogo is an online game community or whatever you would like to call it.
It's my biggest time waster.

4. I have a love/hate relationship with Post-it notes.
Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. ADD can cause you to forget things, so I keep everything where I can see it - ergo, post-it notes are littered all over my monitor, desk, notebooks, etc.

3. I read Rosie O'Donnell's blog.
Though Rosie and I believe and disagree on many different things - there is something that draws me to read her answers to her fans (and not so much fans) in her "Ask Ro" section. It amazes me the questions that people will ask someone just because they are famous. I have been a fan of hers for since The Rosie O'Donnell show.

2. I like reality shows.
Alright, chill out, not all of them.
We regularly watch The Amazing Race, The Biggest Loser, American Idol, and Ace of Cakes. Though I don't know if that last one really counts as a reality show, but it doesn't exactly have a storyline so I'll assume it is.

For the last one, I had a really hard time coming up with an answer, so I asked my son. Of course, I dove right into this conversation with the impression that he would not know any weird quirks that I have. HA! Never ask your teenage child if you have any oddities to your personality. I could probably write a small book with some of the answers I received.
But I settled on this one:

1. I like musicals and now regularly listen to their soundtracks.
I seem to go in cycles for the ones I listen to. The two in my CD player right now are from Hairspray and The Little Mermaid. (Stop laughing, you know you want to be under the sea too!)

So there you have it. There is the first part of the meme.
The second part is to tag six random people to do this and then leave a comment on their blogs.

Decisions, decisions...
One I'm going to pick, but cannot link to her blog (sorry). It's private and I don't think she'd appreciate me outing it to everyone here. I'll also choose Jennifer, because (like me) she's fallen behind a bit on her posting. How about Les & Desi I'd actually love to hear some of their new quirks now that they are parents almost three times over. OH, I know, let's do a kiddo - how about Abby!?!
Last, but not least, how about MTC who is an amazingly strong Christian that has helped a lot of people over time. Note to MTC: I realize your website is more for inspirational stuff and focused on God, so if you choose not to do this, I totally understand - no pressure.

As promised here are the rules:
(1) Link to the person that tagged you.
(2) Post the rules on your blog.
(3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
(4) Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
(5) Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

Now I must go leave my comments.


Lisa said...

Yay for your first meme! Love the quirks you listed. I did NOT ask my boys to list my quirks for me; I didn't want to hear the answers. LOL!

Tim Waters said...

I have never been tagged before. Am I officially tagged now? Or is there some Tagging Ceremony I am not aware of. Am I "it" now? :)

Seriously though...what happens next? :)

Thanks for the compliment...though I am probably the weakest Christian I know. I fall more often than not. You are sweet though. Thank you.

Tim Waters said...

done :) thanks, was fun :)

Desi Brown said...

les totally wont do this but i took a crack at it on my blog.

Tammy said...

I didn't even know you had your own blog. I thought you both just used Les' site.

Very fun.