Monday, May 05, 2008

Bitter Sweet...

I don't even really know how to start this blog.
I'm at a loss for words... Can you believe it? I thought it would never happen.

I guess Matthew said it best when he said that for the last six months God has had us on a Spiritual journey. One that brought about an array of emotions for us and our family. Through this we also sought out two people that we love and respect dearly for wise councel. They know us well, they know the church well and better than either of those, they are not afraid to be honest with us. They were exactly what we needed at the time and have been a true God-send throughout this journey.

Over the last seven years we have loved the work God has allowed us to do and the family members that He has blessed us with in Austin. He has surrounded us with people who are more than friends, they are and will forever be truly family.

God sent us here to our church home with a purpose and a calling. Recently, He revealed to us that this mission is completed (for us) and that He has a new one. This is a bitter sweet time. I truly love our church, the city of Austin, and the people here (have I mentioned that yet?).

Through these months we've prayed and told God that if He wants us to leave, that we need Him to be really clear. (It's always strange when we tell God He needs to do something. Good thing He's bigger than that and knows our hearts.)
Well, He heard our prayers and was abundantly clear.

We started talking to a few churches, but they just didn't feel right. I should mention that through this we were also open to staying if that's what God wanted, but I figured you would already know that from the paragraphs above.
But then... there was this one church that just kept coming to our hearts in Colorado. Matthew had several conversations with them and for the first time we were actually getting excited about the possibility of a new adventure. So a few weeks ago, we took a trip. There were several things that I was really hoping to see/hear/know to confirm God's will for such a change.
One being that it would just feel like home. Honestly, I figured that would be the most difficult test. Details can be worked out, questions can be answered, but the feeling of home can not be made without God in it.
I can honestly tell you, from the moment we met the executive pastor and his wife our first evening there - we knew we were home. We didn't verbalize it yet, even to each other. God had told us to go slow... so we did.

Over and over again, God showed up. Answering every question I had - even the ones I hadn't been able to form in my head. We met some amazing people and just fell in love with the people in Colorado. We know, without a doubt, that God is in this.

He has so much for the church here (in Austin) still, I can't wait to see what they do and where God takes them in the years to come. There are incredibly faithful servants here and I know they are in an amazing place - which honestly, I feel has nothing to do with us. It's where their hearts are and where God has them. We have just been blessed to be along for the ride and it has been an incredible one!

I'll be writing more about the days to come, but we talked about this with the volunteers and leaders last night. So I just wanted to put something out that would sort of sum up our meeting last night about leaving.
I desperately want you to know our hearts and the love we have for you and the Lord. We will all still be working together, just in different cities. We'll be able to take what we've learned from you and share it with others. You have inspired us, taught us, served along side us, and most of all loved us as family and for that we are truly grateful.



To him said...

BUMMER! Thanksgivings won't be the same with you and your sweet family, but we are thankful for your willing hearts and dedication to walk in God's will for you all. Thankfully we still have email, right?!?!

We will miss you tons, Tammy!


Rich said...

Deb and I are going to really miss you and Matthew! We'll pray your travels are safe and God continues to bless y'all!!!

Tim Waters said...

Happy for you and your family, Tammy. I can only imagine how hard it is to leave...

To him said...

I am still sad about this, but are so happy for you guys, Tam. I can't imagine what a blessing this must feel like for you all. Thank goodness we have blogs! :)

DebonaBeach said...

I am so glad that I am one of the people of on the "receiving end" of this new chapter in your life. When I met you that Sunday here at the church I knew I was meeting a new friend. I can't wait for you to get up here. I'm looking forward to many laughs and chats as we get to know one another. Praying for a safe and speedy move! And, as a fellow Texan who transplanted to Colorado, let me tell you the snow gets old after a while :-)

Anonymous said...

Tammy and Matthew, I know the bitter sweet of leaving and following God. You'll miss your friends in Austin but you will have new ones! Kevin and I love you both. You and Matthew made the kid's ministry such a great place for our children. You guys rock! What church in Colorado? We'll thinking of moving to Colorado as well. We are in the praying and listening for God stage. Love, Christy Williams