Friday, May 16, 2008

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned...

In an attempt to save some money, I decided to trim my sweet little fluffy dog myself. Every time I do this, I promise myself it will be the last time - but for some reason, I never seem to learn my lesson.

While trimming I decided I could leave a little bit of hair on the top of her head for a bow! Sounds like a fabulous idea, doesn't it?

Ugh... I have turned my little fluffy dog into a gremlin. Just look!

Here's a picture of a gremlin (from the movie) just in case you forgot.

This is just wrong in so many ways.

Matthew said she looks sad because she can't go out and play with her friends anymore... she's embarrassed. :(
Well, the jokes on him - she doesn't have any friends. K, not as good of a comeback as I thought it would be.

Regardless, if she would keep her bow in, she looks kinda... cute... well kinda...
Look! She's even smiling for the camera.



DebonaBeach said...

I'd laugh except I gave one of my kids almost the same haircut when HE was much younger - now I just feel sorry for your dog. Wonder if this is none reason we both have only boys and no girls? Can you imagine what we'd do to their hair???

Surely there is a support group out there for this kind of thing? Amateur Groomers Anonymous or something like that?? But maybe it's the dog who needs the support group more than you - :-)

Lisa said...

That is hilarious. Love it that you went and got the gremlin from the movie to show us!

Your poor puppy. Give her an extra hug for me. =)

Tim Waters said...

LOL..... poor dog.